Thursday, December 4, 2008

I don't like your tone

Most days I like teaching even though I've decided not to return next year. Today was not one of them.

Event 1
My second period class is chatty and borders on disrespectful - borders. They are the same when they return to Bible. Today I had a student who I'd asked several times to turn around. I'd asked several times to quit talking. I'd done my usual waiting. He'd asked me to repeat questions several times. Then he whispered a comment which he wouldn't repeat.

Another student later in the day came up to me and said, "Mrs. Griffin, wasn't it funny when Harry said he didn't like your tone?"

What? I was flabbergasted! That wasn't borderline anymore. Harry was at his locker and admitted he'd said it. He did apologize. Won't happen again he says. mmmmmm I should hope not. Certainly not after detention.

Event 2
Young man who is going to be gone for ages on an over seas trip. I've been working terribly hard trying to get his work ready in advance - including exams, tests, keys and January's work for him to take with him so he can return and not be behind. His mom told the History teacher at car duty that they aren't going to take any of the work we've gotten ready for him with them on their trip. *sigh*

Event 3
After much negotiation, I thought we finally had an exam grade column on the report card for 8th grade that would help a) students prepare for the H.S. exam grade that counts 20 percent of their semester grade and b) help parents remember what that grade was come recommendation time. When I went looking for it, I couldn't find it. Had to ask. Principal changed her mind and forgot to tell us.

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