Monday, December 15, 2008

Through the Bible in a Year

There are many plans out there if you are interested:

One Year Bible Online

Nice Chart from the ELCA
- Aside from their other polity

Now this one is from eword and has a variety of plans for a variety of versions. They range from Chronological to historical to old/new to new/old.

Bible Gateway has one, but it's not in a nice printable form. It does link to the chapters though in NIV.

This is just a start. There are tons of online supplies available to help you read through the Bible in a year.

1 comment:

Kat said...

I'm going to look into these. I haven't read my Bible through in a long time. I was reading it through the first time when I got pregnant. I finished it shortly after she was born. The next time was after she was born...took me a decade!