Friday, January 2, 2009

I am moving

I'm moving the blog to wordpress . . .

I'm still setting it up, but it's pretty much there now.

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Thursday, January 1, 2009

28 years

Ron and I were married 28 years ago 12/31.

28 years. They have, with rare exception, been very good years. I could gush, but I won't.

They have not been perfect years. We are after all both human, but nonetheless, they have been very good years.

We met at church in early October, and I knew almost immediately that if he asked I'd marry him. But would he ask? He was twelve years older than I was. He was educated - Not only with a college degree (something I didn't have at the time), but with a masters AND he was also abd. He was a professional. He'd been in the marines during Viet Nam. He'd been a college professor. Who was I? What was I? What accomplishments did I have to show? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

Yet, he saw something. He knew, as I knew that God has plans that often don't make human sense on the surface.

I have a blackberry

Blackberries are nice in a pinch. They really are. Have you tried existing on one for a week? Ok it wasn't even a week. It was days only days. Friday to Thursday. ACK it was a week.

Woefully insufficient. I'm not sure woefully will cut it here. Desperately, terribly, lamentably . . . well, surely you get the picture!

I was able to read my favorite blogs. I even responded to a couple. I was able to read personal email, but I couldn't get into my corporate email because I'd forgotten to log out before I'd shut the computer the last time I was online. *ahem* Haven't even tackled that bear yet and may just let it wait until Monday. Does it matter if it's turned into a brown bear or a grizzly?

Have you ever tried reading a really long and passionate thread on the on a blackberry? Well, why do I care why someone is fighting for the rights of KJVO anyway? Not my fight. Why am I drawn to it like a moth to the proverbial flame?

Have you ever read a blog that is on a dark background in little bitty black font. *bleh* And just why do the comments take so long to come up anyway?

Or web pages? They take too long to load. It's all so inconvenient. There is no flash! What do you mean I can't see the page because it's in flash. Double *sigh*

But there I sat each day sloshing through iddy biddy page after page reading like my life depended on it. Ron just read the paper. ;)