Thursday, January 1, 2009

28 years

Ron and I were married 28 years ago 12/31.

28 years. They have, with rare exception, been very good years. I could gush, but I won't.

They have not been perfect years. We are after all both human, but nonetheless, they have been very good years.

We met at church in early October, and I knew almost immediately that if he asked I'd marry him. But would he ask? He was twelve years older than I was. He was educated - Not only with a college degree (something I didn't have at the time), but with a masters AND he was also abd. He was a professional. He'd been in the marines during Viet Nam. He'd been a college professor. Who was I? What was I? What accomplishments did I have to show? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

Yet, he saw something. He knew, as I knew that God has plans that often don't make human sense on the surface.


Kat said...

Congratulations Bitsy!

Celia said...

Wow, Bitsy! I admire you guys so much! Happy Anniversary!

Serving Him said...

Both of you are lucky to have each other