Saturday, August 9, 2008


We moved a lot when I was growing up. Sometimes Daddy would come home and he'd be gone the next day. We'd have to move within a week.

We were always told it had to do with Daddy's job. It was because of what he wanted to do. That may have been true. Also helped him hide affairs that's for sure.

BUT I do wonder now, with hindsight on my side, if part of it wasn't in part because of Mother. It had to be easier to up and leave when she had run through her course of friends. How hard it must have been for him to have to explain in a small, tight-knit community like Western Union was. Why won't Joy come over any more? She used to be so close to all the girls and now she won't even return calls.

I don't know and of course I can't ask. But I do wonder.

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